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Saturday, April 14, 2007

A Discussion of Christian Cults

Just as in real life, Second Life has counterfeits even in the Christian Community. With that in mind, Pastors Rick Liveoak, Benjamin Psaltery, and Marlon Brocco have partnered to share an article on the discussion of Christian Cults. We encourage all to read the article, "A Discussion of Christian Cults." and share your comments here.


Anonymous said...


Mariana Stallion said...

There is sooo much darkness in Second Life, sometimes it's hard to see the Light-it's up to us as christians to speak out and share the light with others & speak the truth-ALWAYS-no matter the consequences. I am so glad to hear someone else encourage this in other SL residents. SPEAK UP- don't be afraid!!! GOD is working in SL too!

Anonymous said...

You can add the following as a signatory to this document:

Triste Bertrand, Lead Teacher, Sanctuary|Second Life

It's important that we stick with the Word of God.

Jeremiah Burton said...

We won't be able to add additional signatures at this time as the article is already published. We are excited that you join with us in supporting our stand against Christian Cults in SL. Keep the feedback coming! :)

Unknown said...

I'll be the devil's advocate on this issue.
1. Christianity was considered a cult in the early ages.
2. The 'leader' of the SL cult probably would agree with the statement of beliefs, however they may disagree about the management of a sim. While one pastor will not have any problems about someone attending a service while dressed in the popular dress style of SL (which very few would wear in RL) another pastor may ban them. This is not a religion issue, but a property management issue.

Anonymous said...

Jesus ate with the whores and rejected. Who are we to decide who can and cannot enter the Lord's house? We are not to judge those outside the body.

As far as this discussion of cults, I wish the church/ministry were listed so that we can be better informed. I left an rl church after seeing the wolf revealed when the sheep's clothing was removed, and my gift is discernment. I'm leery to trust any 'man' again.

Anonymous said...

In reply to techiedavid:

Jesus ate with the whores and rejected. Who are we to decide who can and cannot enter the Lord's house? We are not to judge those outside the body.

As far as this discussion of cults, I wish the church/ministry were listed so that we can be better informed. I left an rl church after seeing the wolf revealed when the sheep's clothing was removed, and my gift is discernment. I'm leery to trust any 'man' again.

AR Neal said...

Thank you all for putting this out there; I would like to see a link to the text of the document available in SL, if it's not there. It is important that the Word of God be proclaimed clearly and without question, not matter what the 'venue'.
May God continue to bless each of you for your efforts in this area!

SL: LQimani Revolution

Anonymous said...

"Christianity was considered a cult in the early ages."
Immediately after the Resurrection, the Jews considered Christianity a cult and I'm sure some still do but all offshoots from Christianity such as catholicism, protestantism, mormonism, etc are cults.

AMEN Brother Benjamin.
I'm overjoyed to see your statement of Faith spelled out.
There was is ugly rumour in SL that you and your church are JW.
Praise Jesus for you & your Ministry in SL.

REJOICE in the Lord always, Benjamin.

Jesus is Lord!

Anonymous said...

There is a man in Houston and Clear lake area that is a cult leader. His name is James Wray. He owns two massage schools and recruits people through the massage therapy business. HE claims to be a christian but he is a cult leader.If the people he tries to recruit do not fall uner his command then he tries to destroy their lives. He has many contacts and people are always decieved by him and his false christian life.He is very dangerous. He will stop at nothing to destroy someone who gies against him. His schools are called Texas School of Massage.I went to one of his schools.One is on the Katy Freeway, one is in Clear Lake. He especially hates women, although he does not give that impressin since he has sex with many of the female students. He labels the females as having a demon spirit if they do not have sex with him and allow him to control their lives. He is sick.