Welcome to Ruach Ministries' Blog

Welcome to Ruach Ministires and the Ruach Ministries' Blog! I am so excited that you have come to visit and read all about us. The Ruach Ministries' Blog will be your source for obtaining updates on Ruach Ministries events, learn about what's on my heart, share your thoughts and responses to recent messages, articles and posts, etc. I want this to be OUR Blog. So feel free to share and partner with me in reaching the world for Christ!

God Bless!

Sunday, December 30, 2007

Life Sentences

There are two elements of every sentence; a subject and a predicate. Without either of these elements the sentence is incomplete. Join Pastor Marlon Brocco this week as he shares the necessity of making sure our Life consists of complete sentences in "Life Sentences".

Sunday, December 9, 2007


Each day comes with a fresh set of 24 hours for us to work with. With each new day comes a new opportunity for us to live our loves under the grace, mercy, and provision that the Lord has to offer. Join Pastor Marlon Brocco this week as he shares the principles of living for today in, "24"

Sunday, December 2, 2007

Rebuilding The Temple

The Israelites have experienced separation from God many times throughout their history....they have also experienced reconciliation with God. Join Pastor Marlon Brocco this week as he shares the need for reconciliation with God by Rebuilding The Temple!

Sunday, November 25, 2007

Don't Waste Your Breath

God has breathed into us the breath of life and given us His Spirit as a precious gift, however, if we chose to follow an old mindsent of the world we reject the very breath that has been breathed into our hearts and grieve the Holy Spirit of God. Join Pastor Marlon Brocco in this week's message "Don't Waste Your Breath"

Sunday, November 18, 2007


In this age of progressive technology, there are not too many of us who are not family with the use of passwords. We use passwords to access important information. Join Pastor Marlon Brocco this week as he shares the password to Truth and Life in this week's message, "Password".

Sunday, November 11, 2007

Before & After

Let's face it.... we need the Lord. Well, in order for us to find the Lord, we must always have Him with in our view....before our eyes. We cannot chase what we do not see. Join Pastor Marlon Brocco this week and we begin a pursuit of God in, "Before & After".

Sunday, November 4, 2007

Does Heaven Have A Ghetto?

Someone once asked, "I wonder if heaven got a ghetto." When the atmospher and culture of ghetto life is compared with the atmosphere and culture of Heaven as described in the Bible, we find our answer. Join Pastor Marlon Brocco this week as he presents the scriptural answer to the question, "Does Heaven Have A Ghetto?"

Sunday, October 28, 2007

True Wisdom

We all recongnize the need for wisdom in our lives, but do we place wisdom in it's proper perspective? Join Pastor Marlon Brocco, this week as he provides insight on Wisdom and Understanding and reveals the root of "True Wisdom".

Sunday, October 21, 2007

Where Do You Live?

We all try to make sure we live in a nice neighborhood. We want a nice school system and a low crime rate. But even the best neighborhoods can have its problems, so where can go to be sure that we live in safety? Join Pastor Marlon Brocco this week as she shares the best place to live in, "Where Do You Live?"

Sunday, October 14, 2007

The Trial of A Lifetime

We are all familiar with court trials, maybe even some high profile cases in our time. However, none is more high profile and critical than the trial of our own lives. Join Pastor Marlon Brocco, this week as he takes us through our own case in, "The Trial of A Lifetime".

Sunday, October 7, 2007

Real Issues

Some people think that the Bible does not speak to today's issues. That it is a book of proverbs and fairy tales. Join me this week as we journey through the real story of a real family that had real issues just like ours!

Sunday, September 30, 2007


Scabs can be an ugly irritating flaw of the skin after you scrape or cut yourself. However, scabs are a necessary part of the healing processes of skin. Join Pastor Marlon Brocco this week as he shares God's Word on dealing with the "Scabs" in your life.

Sunday, September 23, 2007


We are all familiar with what the American hero Superman can do, but when we consider the power of God, we are able to see how much more God is able to do in our lives. Join Pastor Marlon Brocco this week as he discusses the power of the REAL Superman.

Sunday, September 16, 2007

Walking With Your Eyes Close

Have you every tried to walk with your eyes closed? It's quite tough to do without help, yet it is possible. Join Pastor Brocco this week as he encourages us to walk with our eyes closed!

Sunday, September 9, 2007


Meditation comes in many forms, however, the Bible tells us to meditate on the Word of God. Join Pastor Marlon Brocco this week as he shares the principles on meditation in the Word of God.

Sunday, August 26, 2007


We face many limitations in life and many things seem impossible for us. However, Join Pastor Marlon Brocco this week as he shares what is possible with God in.........HIMPossible

Sunday, August 12, 2007

Don't Forget Who You Are

The Word of God Defines who we are. When hearing or reading the Word of God, we must supplement what we hear and read with what we do according to the Word. Join Pastor Marlon Brocco as he helps us balance hearing and doing in, "Don't Forget Who You Are"

Sunday, August 5, 2007

Rags to Riches

We've all heard of rags to riches stories. This week join Pastor Marlon Brocco as he shares from The Word of God on the exchange available through the Holy Spirit in going from "Rags to Riches"

Sunday, July 15, 2007

The Source of Your Help

There are so many places we can look for help. We can look to our families, our friends, community outreach programs, and of course the church. Many of these sources will gladly reach out to help you when you are in need or are in trouble. As a matter of fact the Bible instructs us to help our brothers and sisters when they are in need. There is absolutely nothing wrong with looking to these sources for assistance, comfort and encouragement. Where we go wrong many times is when we make these sources our only source....our primary source. When we reach out to others to help them, we must make sure we are motivated by the Lord and depend on the Lord in leading us in how we go about helping them. We we look to others for help we must understand that our ultimate help comes from God and man's abilities are limited and many time futile to provide the degree of help that we need. Let us remember that whether we are providing help or seeking help that the ultimate source of that help comes from God himself and only He can provide complete rescue in our time of trouble.

Join me this week as I minister from the Word of God concerning, "The Source of Your Help".

Tuesday, July 10, 2007

More on Sunday's Message "The Time of Need"

Grace & Peace, Saints!

I wanted to take a moment to clarify a statement I made in Sunday's message "The Time of Need". The statement I made was that "...Temptation is not sin, but yielding to temptation is sin..." I also stated that sin hasn't taken place when you're tempted, but sin takes place when you commit the act. What I failed to do was clarify when the actual act of sin has been committed.

What must be understood is that the act of sin does not have to be physical to be committed. Sin is a motivation of the heart. The key in determining sin is the intents of the heart. Let's use Matthew 5:27-28 as an example. "Ye have heard that it was said by them of old time, Thou shalt not commit adultery: But I say unto you, That whosoever looketh on a woman to lust after her hath committed adultery with her already in his heart."

Now, while I still believe that temptation in and of itself is not sin, the clarification must be made by what I mean when I say it's how you 'respond' to temptation that determines when it becomes sin. "Responding" does not necessarily mean physically committing the act. Responding can be mental, or emotional. Taking a look at Matthew 5:27-28 we see that subject of adultery. Now, we will all agree that adultery is sin, however, we cannot say to ourselves (or anyone else) that adultery has not actually taken place because you did not physically engage in sexual relations with someone who is not your legal spouse. According to Jesus, anyone who looks upon a woman (or man) "to lust after her (him)"..... This means that a person is looking at another person with the intention of committing adultery if the opportunity presented itself. So if the opportunity never presents itself has sin taken place? YES! Because the person's HEART committed to the act long before their body did sin has still taken place.

Let's use another example. Let's say you see a friend's wallet left out with a wad of money sticking out. You know he wouldn't suspect you if you took it so as you motion to grab the cash, he walks in before you can take hold of the money. No harm, no foul, right? No, ...... the full intent of your heart was to steal your friend's money and what kept you from it was not your devotion to God or your spiritual power to resist temptation, but because you were about to be caught!

So, my brothers and sisters, if I was not clear before, please forgive me as I make it abundantly clear that sin lies in the thoughts and intents of the heart. By the way, it is not you who determines if those thoughts or intents are sin... the Word of God sets that standard (Hebrews 4:12)

Check your hearts friends... examine your motive+s... and follow the Word of God, "Wherefore let him that thinketh he standeth take heed lest he fall." (1 Corinthians 10:12) Do not for one moment think that you can allow lust (which is not limited to sex, but includes all other worldly desires that can entice us) to fester in your mind. The moment you chose not to take captive the thoughts that come to tempt you, sin has taken place and therefore according to James 1:15, "Then when lust hath conceived, it bringeth forth sin: and sin, when it is finished, bringeth forth death."

God Bless you all, and thank you for your commitment to the Truth of the Word of God and your faithfulness to the Ministry of Ruach! Keep yourselves in the Love of God!

In Christ,

Marlon Brocco, Pastor
Ruach Ministries

Sunday, July 8, 2007

The Time of Need

We all experience a time of need in our life. We all experience temptation and trials and we always need God. Even Jesus experienced trials and temptations and in that time of need we must learn to approach God with those needs. Join me for this week's message, "The Time of Need"

Sunday, July 1, 2007

Intimate Purpose

Praise the Lord, Saints! The Lord definately blessed our service today! I truly believe that the Word was a blessing to us all.

There are so many voices and influences in life that it is sometimes hard to determine what God's purpose is. We try to find his purpose in so many different places and can still miss it. Join me this week as I help distinguish the difference between God's Presence and His Purpose in, "Intimate Purpose" God Bless!

Sunday, June 24, 2007

3D - 3 Dimensions of Deliverance

When we see something in 3 dimensions, we see all facets and all sides. In the same way we need to understand that there is not one scope of deliverance. Join Pastor Marlon Brocco, this week as he reveals the 3 Dimensions of Deliverance

Sunday, June 17, 2007

Who's Your Daddy?

Of the many choices we have in life, one of the things that we cannot choose is who are earthly parents are. However, we do have a choice in who are spiritual Father is. Join Pastor Marlon Brocco as he presents these choices in this week's message...... "Who's Your Daddy?"

Sunday, June 10, 2007

Watch Your Step

The Bible makes very clear the distinction between flesh and Spirit. The two are contrary to one another and are in constant conflict. There is no "gray area" in which the flesh and Spirit are ever in agreement. The Lord has led me to teach on this contrast between flesh and Spirit and the necessity of walking in the Spirit. I sincerely pray that you enjoy this week's message, "Watch Your Step." Let me know what you think. God Bless!!

Sunday, June 3, 2007

Play to Win

The Bible frequently compares our Christian walk with a race. In order to endure any race it take a certain amount of discipline and mindset. Join me this week as we go from the starting line to the finish line in this Christian race and the course in between. God Bless!!

Sunday, May 20, 2007

Goldilocks Religion

We are familiar with the childhood story of Goldilocks. Goldilocks wanted to find something that was "Just Right" for her. We live in a church age that wants what is just right. Many churches don't want to take a stand on important issues because it's too extreme or too touchy. Join me this week in embracing the charge of being decided on who we are in Christ! Let us know what you think. Enjoy!!

Sunday, May 6, 2007

The Kingdom of God - Joy

Praise the Lord, everybody! Thanks for stopping by and listening to this week's message. I continue with the Kingdom of God series this week discussing Joy in the Holy Ghost. Where do you find joy in your Christian life? I pray you enjoy the message and let me know what you think and your thoughts on the subject. God Bless!

Sunday, April 29, 2007

The Kingdom of God - Peace

What is Peace? Do you have Peace? How do you know? I believe that there is so much more to Peace than just the absence of trouble. Join me in continuing my series on The Kingdom of God as we discuss three aspects of Peace. Peace in Salvation, Peace with Man, and Peace in Life. I sincerely pray that you walk away from this message experience all three aspects of peace in area of your life. Let me know what you think. Enjoy!

Sunday, April 22, 2007

The "F" Word

Due to technical difficulties with our audio software we had to replace our scheduled message with another message. I believe that it was a blessing nonetheless. In case you missed it or if you just want to hear it all over again, join me in sharing the story of the prodigal son and learning of one of the most important factors of Christian Life in, The "F" Word!

Monday, April 16, 2007

The Kingdom of God - Righteousness

Romans 14:17 says, "For the kingdom of God is not meat and drink; but righteousness, and peace, and joy in the Holy Ghost." In yesterday's Sunday message, I continued my series on the three facets of the Kingdom of God sharing the first which is Righteousness. If you did not have the opportunity to listen to the message or you would like to hear it again, you may listen here. Please feel free to share your questions or comments about this message. God Bless!

Saturday, April 14, 2007

A Discussion of Christian Cults

Just as in real life, Second Life has counterfeits even in the Christian Community. With that in mind, Pastors Rick Liveoak, Benjamin Psaltery, and Marlon Brocco have partnered to share an article on the discussion of Christian Cults. We encourage all to read the article, "A Discussion of Christian Cults." and share your comments here.

Sunday, April 8, 2007


Today is Sunday, April 8, 2007 and I am excited to celebrate the Resurrection of our Lord Jesus Christ! As I am writing this blog, we have just finished with our service @ Ruach. Despite minor audio trouble for some due to the large crowd, the Lord certainly blessed our service.

Today's message was titled, "Life After Death" and shared the parallel between Jesus' Death and Resurrection and how it serves as a model to our salvation experience. If you were unable to attend the service be sure to keep checking the Ruach Ministries' Main Site for the archive.

If you see me "in world" don't forget to say hi!! God Bless!

Saturday, April 7, 2007

Christian Responsibility in Second Life

Christianity is a growing community in Second Life! Churches are sprouting everywhere. There are Christian Groups, Prayer Groups, Counseling Groups, Christian Magazines, Clubs and so much more. Still with all this it is still a minority. According to a recent article in USA Today, religion makes up an extremely small percentage of the resident base on Second Life. So it seems we're outnumbered. Can we really have an effect on a virtual world whose carnal resources seem virtually unlimited? In a do anything, say anything, make anything world where no one is held accountable for their actions and nobody really cares, can Christians penetrate this wall of Cyber Secularism?

I venture to say yes! Consider Isaiah 10:21-22 says, "The remnant shall return, even the remnant of Jacob, unto the mighty God. For though thy people Israel be as the sand of the sea, yet a remnant of them shall return: the consumption decreed shall overflow with righteousness."

So regardless of our minority, Christians have a responsibility to stand out from the majority, and not only that but be bold enough to encounter the resistance from the majority, and the abuse from the griefers. We will always be a remnant, we will always be a minority. Jesus said that broad is the way that leads to destruction and narrow is the way that leads to life. We should not ever expect to be a majority but we can expect to be a "GROWING" minority. Not ALL WILL be saved, but we must declare the Gospel to ALL. Crying out to ALL who CAN be saved means that SOME WILL be saved! Let's take our stand and spread our reach to penetrate the hearts of those on the other side of the screen!