Welcome to Ruach Ministries' Blog

Welcome to Ruach Ministires and the Ruach Ministries' Blog! I am so excited that you have come to visit and read all about us. The Ruach Ministries' Blog will be your source for obtaining updates on Ruach Ministries events, learn about what's on my heart, share your thoughts and responses to recent messages, articles and posts, etc. I want this to be OUR Blog. So feel free to share and partner with me in reaching the world for Christ!

God Bless!

Sunday, May 20, 2007

Goldilocks Religion

We are familiar with the childhood story of Goldilocks. Goldilocks wanted to find something that was "Just Right" for her. We live in a church age that wants what is just right. Many churches don't want to take a stand on important issues because it's too extreme or too touchy. Join me this week in embracing the charge of being decided on who we are in Christ! Let us know what you think. Enjoy!!

Sunday, May 6, 2007

The Kingdom of God - Joy

Praise the Lord, everybody! Thanks for stopping by and listening to this week's message. I continue with the Kingdom of God series this week discussing Joy in the Holy Ghost. Where do you find joy in your Christian life? I pray you enjoy the message and let me know what you think and your thoughts on the subject. God Bless!